Home Forums Ask Billy Hi! Quick question about Baby Come Back

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    Hello, I’m asking regarding Baby come back theme from Billy that came out around the 1980’s, This song its so good and I’ve been listening to it, Im curious about the solo part, how was it recorded? Wich effects, Amps, Guitars or pedals Billy used for this? I’d love to record a cover from this song and probably a videoclip in the next few months or upcoming year, I’m from Ecuador and as I know this song became famous around the 1980’s in Ecuador a lot of people used to listen and they still remember. I know it isn’t on Spotify or another plataforms, just Youtube.

    https://www.facebook.com/JackieYCris This is our facebook page. You can check us šŸ˜€

    We would love to know if you’ll let us to record our version + videoclip eventually, All credits belongs to Billy of course.

    Thanks! take care.

    Jackie & Cris.


    Hi Jackie & Cris and greetings from Scotland to Ecuador.
    Of course you have my permission to record Baby Come Back (although technically I donā€™t think you need to ask).
    For the solo I used my usual set up: Gibson 335, Marshall 100W amp & 4×12 cabinet and a brass bottleneck called ā€œEricā€ (which once belonged to Mr Clapton) which I used for all my slide solos.
    I tuned the E string down to B and the G string up to B then played the solo starting on the 5th fret which gave me 3 strings to play together for a thicker sounding solo but donā€™t think I used any pedals, just volume!
    Iā€™ll check out your Facebook page thanks. Stay safe.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by billyboy1.

    Woah! thank you so much for the responde and the time you taken for this!, I’ll keep you updated about our work! Have an amazing day!
    We’ll in touch.

    Jackie & Cris

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